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During pregnancy, women need to take delicate care of herself and her baby’s health. This is often because at the time of pregnancy, the body of pregnant women works differently. During this period, the assembly of release of hormones and chemicals alters completely in her body thus due consideration should tend whenever she consumes any food item or any medication.

You must have notice that there are lot of medicines in markets that carry warning against use by pregnant women and young children. These medications can cause damage to woman and her unborn baby. Therefore its best to consult doctor before you pop any pill during your pregnancy to avoid any kind of complications or birth defects in your child.

This article clearly tells you about lists of common medicines which will harm you and your baby during pregnancy, hence its best to avoid them!

  • Skin medications: Medicines which are meant to treat skin problems like acnes and fungal infections are very dangerous for mother and child. Ointments containing steroids also shouldn’t tend to pregnant women as they will cause side effects like stillbirth and high vital sign. Doctors even advise to discard the utilization of strong anti fungal ointments like flucanazole. Eczema patients should consult doctor to understand about which medicines are safe and unsafe to be taken during pregnancy periods.
  • Painkillers: You’d be sad to understand that common painkillers can cause severe birth defects and congenital heart disorders in unborn child. Pregnant women should avoid using ibuprofen because it can cause complications during the late stages of pregnancy.
  • Alcohol based medicines: Medications either in syrup or suspension forms having alcohol base are very harmful for pregnant woman and her baby. This includes antihistamine suspensions and cough syrups are easily available in markets with none need of medicines. Confine mind that regular use of the medicines can cause fetal alcohol syndrome and cause mental development problems later in life. One should avoid drinking alcohol even for medicinal purposes. For e.g. some people drink brandy for getting obviate cold. This will prove very dangerous for your health. Alcohol dehydrates body and continuous its effect even 48 hours after consumption.
  • Blood thinning medicines: Always remember that medicines that have the power of blood to coagulate are often very harmful for fetus. So it’s best to avoid them during pregnancy.

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