15 Cancer Symptoms Men shouldn’t Ignore

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Top 15 Cancer Symptoms Men shouldn’t Ignore

Cancer 2Some men, unfortunately, procrastinate their visits to the doctors and consistent with MD, deputy chief medic of the national office of the American Cancer Society, once they do visit; it’s invariably after some coaxing and pushing from their women.

Medical experts opine that men can get some warning signals of some men-specific symptoms of cancer early. Although many of the symptoms just like the pains in several body parts are vague and inconclusive, yet a number of them also can be related to cancer. In fact, certain early signs of cancer are often found through routine preventive care and it provides the choices to start out the treatment early.

Symptoms No. 1 – Development of any breast mass

Men generally harbor the notion men never suffer from carcinoma. But although uncommon, men also can suffer from carcinoma. So, Lichtenfeld advises to travel for medical check-ups, just in case of the event of any new mass within the breast area. The American Cancer Society cautions to require notice of any of those following changes during this regard –

  • Dimpling and crumpling of the nipples.
  • Retraction of the nipples.
  • Any discharge of fluid from the nipples.
  • Scaling and redness on any a part of the breast skin or nipples.

In case of occurrence of any of the above symptoms, the doctors may advise for tests like biopsy and mammogram after making a radical physical examination.

Symptom No. 2 – Pain and body ache

Although people often complain of pain and body aches as they as age and most of the pain aren’t associated with cancer, still you ought to consult your doctor, as sometimes, they will be the first signs of cancer.

Even the American Cancer Society also advises to report any pain anywhere within the body to your doctor. Albeit it’s going to not flow from to cancer, you’d still enjoy the visit, since the doctor can only diagnose the rationale of it.

Symptom No. 3 – Any change within the size and shape of the testicles

Men between the ages of 20 to 39 may suffer from seminoma. So, the American Cancer Society advises men to travel for routine testicular check-ups. Some physicians even suggest it once during a month. During this regard, Wu says that development of lump or swelling, shrinkage and feeling of heaviness within the testicles should be noted and immediate medical check-ups should be done, because some seminoma spread fast and hence it’s imperative that such condition should be detected early.

After the physical examination of the testicles, the doctors may conduct blood tests, ultrasound of the scrotum and biopsy of the testicles.

Symptom No. 4 – Change within the Lymph Nodes

In case of any progressive development of a lump or swelling of the lymph nodes within the neck, under the armpits, medical advice should be sought. Hannah Linden, MD. Linden, oncologist and professor of drugs at the University Of Washington School of drugs says during this regard, who also happens to be the joint associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer research facility in Seattle, Wash says during this regard, “If this condition remains so for quite a month, immediately consult your doctor.”

The doctor first rules out any possible infection which will cause the enlargement of the lymph odes then may advise a biopsy.

Symptom No. 5 – Fever with none reason

Occurrence of any fever with none clear cut reason could also be thanks to some illness like pneumonia. But, it also can flow from to cancer.

American Cancer Society says that blood cancer like lymphoma or leukemia can cause fever. Fever also occurs when the cancer spreads to other body parts within the body. So, it’s better to consult your doctor to seek out out the underlying explanation for the fever.

Symptom No. 6 – Appreciable weight loss with none conscious effort

Cancer can cause weight loss. Expert says that if somebody losses 10 percent of his weight within a brief span of your time with none apparent reason sort of a strict dieting regimen and exercise, and then the doctor should be consulted.

The doctor takes note of your dietary habits and lifestyles and conducts further tests if necessary.

Symptom No. 7 – Depression and protracted pain within the abdomen area

Medical experts opine that depression can cause carcinoma. Hence, if an individual is affected by depression and complains of abdominal pain, then it should be investigated. Changes within the color of the stool and jaundice are the opposite symptoms. In such cases, the doctor conducts tests like chest X-rays, MRI, CT Scans etc to seek out out any early signs of cancer.

Symptom No. 8 – Feeling of exhaustion

The American Cancer Society says that feeling of exhaustion or fatigue can occur thanks to cancers like leukemia and a few colon and stomach cancer. So, just in case of utmost tiredness, which continues unabated even after considerable rest, you ought to consult your doctor.

The doctor would search for other associated symptoms so as to seek out out the rationale behind fatigue.

Symptom No. 9 – Prolonged coughing

Coughing is usually related to cold and viral fever. It also can be the reaction of some allergies and medications. But Ranit Mishori, professor and director of the family practice clerkship and Georgetown University School of drugs in Washington D.C. says that when it occurs for a protracted time – say for a month, then such condition should be reported to your doctor, because it could also be thanks to acid reflux or bronchitis but it also can be the symptom of cancer.

After doing a study of your history, the doctor will do a radical examination of your throat and check the function of lungs. If your smoke, then he can also conduct an X-ray so as to research the rationale of coughing then he would advise the further course of action.

Symptom No. 10 – Difficulty in swallowing foods

Many men have difficulty in swallowing foods and that they attempt to suits by changing their food habits like sustaining on liquid diets.

But, difficulty in swallowing food could even be thanks to GI cancer, just like the cancer of the esophagus. So, rather than just switching over to liquid diets, it knows consult the doctor, who may conduct X-ray and refer you to an upper endoscope specialist for the examination of your upper alimentary canal and esophagus.

Symptom No. 11 – Change within the color and texture of the skin

MD, oncologist and head of the department of clinical genetics at the Fox Chase Center in Philadelphia says, “Any changes within the skin pigmentation and moles, excessive scaling and sudden bleeding might be the signs of carcinoma, especially if these changes remain so for several weeks.”

In order to seek out out the rationale behind such changes, the doctor may choose biopsy after a radical physical examination.

Symptom No. 12 – Any unusual bleeding

Expert doctors says that any unusual bleeding like blood within the urine, stool or cough should be reported to your doctor.

In this regard, Mishori says, “If you pass blood in your stool, don’t be complacent about it thinking to be a hemorrhoid. It’s going to even be thanks to carcinoma.”

In such cases, the doctor may conduct a colonoscopy to research the rationale behind the bleeding. Any symptom of cancer or in its precancerous stage would be detected through this test.

Symptom No. 13 – Changes within the mouth

Development of any white patches inside the mouth or within the tongue could also be thanks to leukoplakia, which can cause carcinoma. The white patches or spots are developed thanks to prolonged irritation. People that smoke are particularly susceptible to such condition and will immediately consult the doctor or dentist, who after a careful examination of it might recommend further necessary steps.

Symptoms No. 14 – Occurrence of any urinary trouble

With advancing age, most men face urinary problems. They find it difficult to regulate their urge to pass urine and if this problem is acute, then immediately seek the opinion of your doctor.

The doctor would conduct a radical examination probably through a digital rectal test to seek out out if there’s any sign of enlargement of the prostrate gland. This non-cancerous condition is understood as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and is common in old men. The doctor can also conduct biopsy for prostate specific antigen (PSA) level and biopsy to seek out out the probabilities of any prostatic adenocarcinoma and should refer you to an urologist.

Symptoms No. 15 – Prolonged indigestion

Regular indigestion also can occur thanks to the cancer of stomach, esophagus and throat. So, in such case, your doctor’s opinion should be immediately sought. The doctor will decide the further action after noting your symptoms and history.

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