How to Thank Your Campaigners

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How to Thank Your Campaigners

Thank you 2A lot has been written about crowd funding by this time. The concept of crowd funding India has finally started moving from a space of vagueness and lack of know how to one where there is visibility about the idea. More and more people, especially young people in urban areas, are coming forward and participating in the crowd funding process in India, as campaigners and also as donors. The air around crowd funding is stirring in a good way with increasing numbers of people being benefited by the process in the last few years or so, and many more stepping forward tentatively and educating themselves about how it works and contemplating seriously whether they can consider crowd funding to make a positive difference to sort their own life problems or lend a hand to solving social problems that they think are hindering our progress as a nation.

Crowd funding India platforms are doing excellent work in locating and pulling together groups of donors whose generously endowed funds are ensuring the success of numberless crowd funding projects that are being kick started in the country every single day. But sadly, we take notice much less often of our energetic and devoted campaigners who put together a lot of very intense planning and calculating and actioning to make sure that their campaigning dreams come true. While crowd funding platforms have their donors to thank for the monetary contributions they make for the success of a project, they are also where they are because of all the campaigners who choose them to campaign with. Often the campaigners go unthanked and unappreciated, and this should change.

Here are a few ways in which crowd funding India platform authorities can thank the campaigners who have put their faith and trust in them:

Social media shout outs: The very least that a crowd funding India platform can do for a campaigner who has diligently worked for crowd funding success is to give that campaigner a nice social media shout out, acknowledging all of their hard work and smart strategizing in making sure that the fundraiser met its target.

Thank you cards: Even virtual thank you notes are a wonderful token of appreciation on the part of a crowd funding platform to show the campaigner that their hard work in promoting a campaign has been noticed. Of course, actually writing a handwritten hard card in the good old fashioned way is even better and strikes a very personal chord.

Discounts: It is an idea crowd funding platforms in India should consider. The best campaigners deserve some discount on service and processing fees for reaching and overshooting their targets.

Happy campaigners make for a happy crowd funding culture. This makes for better prospects for this wonderful industry in India.

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