What Yoga Says of Nourishment?

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What Yoga Says of Nourishment?

Yoga 2Yoga’s guiding rules of nutrition are similar to what contemporary science has learned recently. The fundamental principle of nourishment, according to the yoga perspective, is to partake of tiny quantities of quality foods. The general excellence of these special foods, specifically promote the body’s energy without creating toxins. Suggested foods are vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains.

1. Meat

The fundamental principle of yoga on nutrition suggests that meat should be consumed carefully. Apparently, not all yogis are vegetarians, but they are advised to eat meat with control. Since meat is animal flesh, it bears within itself toxins, namely lactic acid, a muscle metabolism waste product. Meat has abundant contents of cholesterol, fat and various substances, toxic to the human body. The recommendation to take meat moderately is therefore, well received.

2. Fruit

Fruits consist of the greatest life-force and are extremely nutritious. They are deemed as the best food supplement by yogis. They can either be eaten unprocessed or raw and are digested without difficulty. Fruits provide for a fast, energetic sustenance with zero toxins. It is no surprise that yogis approve of fruits.

3. Vegetables

Fresh vegetables should be consumed constantly because they are the most excellent nutritional products. The yogis regard green vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, spinach and many others, as possessing a high life-force.

4. Fresh Food

Food must be consumed when fresh. Yoga also emphasizes that food must be reasonably fresh. Fresh food and vegetables have more quality, than canned or frozen foods. Although, freezing food is not bad because the enzymes are maintained, canned food undergoes a preheating process that destroys majority of the enzymes, minerals and vitamins.

5. Raw Food

Whenever possible, consuming raw food is healthy. Yogis’ advice that a great proportion of food should be taken raw; salads, fruits, sprouted grains and raw nuts. Cooking food causes loss of most of its life-force and flavor.

6. Food Temperature

According to yogis, food should neither be too cold or too hot. The reason for this is that very cold or very hot drinks or food can harm the tissue in the throat. Contemporary science commends to this and adds that beverages and foods that are too cold or too hot may inflame the throat and influence growth of cancer.

7. Alcohol

Abstaining from alcohol intake is advisable for yogis, as it negatively affects the central nervous system. The condition of being whole for the brain is of utmost importance. One of the main goals is to improve this system, a crucial communication, with which yoga progress is attained. Alcohol initially stimulates and then depresses the nervous system.

8. Eat Food Slowly

Food should be consumed slowly. This is more significant than the specific food eaten. Yogis believe that nutritious food cannot be well digested when eaten in a hurry. Food taken fast produces toxins in the body if the food taken is not nutritious, but is consumed slowly, and if the digestive system is functioning well from yoga exercise, then the body will obtain all the nutrients, while eliminating the toxins.

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